Card Management System
- Most financial institutions are aware that consumers are becoming more educated and
more demanding and are willing to compromise brand loyalty for better services. Our CMS
offers cutting edge and ever-improving services to maintain highest customer service levels.
CMS is a complete EMV certified system that manages both issuing and acquiring functions
for private and international banking cards including card and merchant functionalities,
payment authorization and account clearing and settlement. All approved authorizations
can be controlled and monitored with CMS and instant transaction reports can be generated
demonstrating statistics for all transaction activity. In addition to this, the system also
performs clearing and settlement reports for transactions with other financial institutions.
Our CMS supports all card technologies including magnetic strips and smart (chip) cards as
well as all types of cards such as credit, debit, loyalty, EMV, etc. and can incorporate loyalty
and incentive programs.
- In keeping up with today’s global market, CMS operates in a multi-institutional environment
with customizable business processing procedures and is capable of functioning in various
languages and with multiple currencies at a cross-border issuing and acquiring level. The
flexible and highly customizable system is continuously enhanced, catering to all business
integration models and blending seamlessly into any existing environment. The userfriendly yet sophisticated account structure allows for customizable authorization, credit
line and reporting levels while ensuring users are able to enter, query and update customer
and merchant data with increased efficiency and accuracy. For maximized security levels,
CMS is integrated with a fraud detection and prevention application and is able to define
and implement customized risk management strategies based on over 200 user-defined
variables to maximize efficiency while minimizing risk.
- Cardholder Functionalities
- Recycling – Producing – Encoding – Replacing with or without
fees – Renewal – Periodic fees generation – Confidential codes
generation – Generation of EMV data – Limit management –
Supplementary card management – Claims management.
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