EMV Card Personalization Solutions
- OMA Emirates provides EMV – NANOPERSO – card personalization solutions that comply with
strict EMV security and design standards ensured by host security module. The software
contains magnetic stripe encoding and chip encoding as well as contact /contactless
encoding. Online operations are done for each card to be personalized through a HSM
to enhance key management operation. The Smart Factory then checks the electrical
personalization validity, chip content and consistency of the magnetic stripe data and chip
and finally, the Smart Factory QC uses real life situation simulations to assess card behavior
against expected responses.
- With a user-friendly interface and customizable
settings as well as the flexibility to interface
with multiple CMS systems in the market, our
EMV card personalization system NANOPERSO
is the ultimate choice for all businesses
interested in adapting EMV cards. Our EMV
card personalization system also supports batch
printing and encoding which in turn increases
efficiency for users.
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